If you are interested in joining the pace team please contact our Pace Team Coordinator - Kat Smith - at
Please note those that have paced before have priority.
Pace Team members receive a free entry to the MUM for their help (as well as a pacer shirt).
Meet your Pace Team! If a spot is open - that means it is available.
1:30 - John Duvall
1:45 - Zane Parsley
2:00 - Tara Schneider
2:15 - Natalie Emerson/James Collier
2:30 - Chad Fisher
2:45 - Bobby Cooper
3:00 - WK Munsey
3:30 - David Smith
3:45 -
4:00 - Scott Baerenklau
4:30 - Craig Coombs
5:00 - Rhonda Kempen
5:30 - Gary Smith
6:00 - Deanne Cooper